Committee approves Common Good Fund updates

Published: Tuesday 27 August 2024

This photo shows a view of Lanark Loch

Two areas in and around Lanark will benefit from Common Good Fund spending in the coming year.

The lower car park at Lanark Loch and the Drove Road access path will each see investment after a decision by councillors at last week’s Finance and Corporate Resources Committee.

In total, a contribution of £70,000 from the Lanark Common Good Fund was agreed.

Repairs will be undertaken in the lower car park at Lanark Loch, one of the town’s busiest visitor attractions.

Councillors also agreed to the money being spent installing a gate at Drove Road Path - a local right of access that has been used by riders on dirt bikes. The aim is to provide a physical deterrent to the use of bikes and to improve safety for those walking and cycling.

Members of the committee also heard a report detailing the position of all Common Good money held by the council as at the end of the most recent financial year.

Included in this was an update on the regular spending committed against the Common Good Repairs and Maintenance budgets for both Lanark and Hamilton.

The Common Good is a fund of money/assets administered by the council in respect of each former burgh. In South Lanarkshire, there are funds held for Lanark, Biggar, Hamilton, and Rutherglen.

At 31 March 2024, a total of £1.024m was held by the council on behalf of all Common Good Funds, readily available to meet expenditure. 

The Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Resources has delegated authority to approve maintenance work up to the value of £15,000 per annum for each fund. 

In the coming year, this will include £10,000 to repair the roof at the Tolbooth as well as £1500 to fix a section of fence at Cleghorn Road/Melvinhall Park.

However, where they are issues identified outwith routine maintenance, these are submitted separately to committee for approval.

Councillor Lesley McDonald, Chair of the Finance and Corporate Resources committee, welcomed the report, and the proposed spending for the year ahead: “The Common Good Fund is an invaluable resource to allow programmes of work to be carried out to best serve the local community.

"The repair and investment works agreed by the committee will ensure the continued use by locals and visitors alike to areas of significant leisure, cultural and historical interest in and around the town of Lanark.”